The Vermilion Gun Club hosted Cowboy Action Shooting at the Vermilion Gun Range on August 20. Safety was the highest priority, and members took extra time showing new participants the ropes. Area participants had the opportunity to practice their aim with pre-1900 replicas using live ammunition. Firearms included single action revolvers, pump action or lever action rifles, and shotguns. Children under 14 are permitted to shoot .22 calibers, and participants enjoyed aiming at targets through timed stages. The ‘Action’ term in Cowboy Action Shooting refers to the firearms used during the Cowboy Era (approximately 1875 - 1910). Members have attended matches elsewhere, and host one annually at the Vermilion Gun Range. At larger matches, there is sometimes a dress component or full promenade (full evening wear from that era). “When I started, I was not totally familiar with firearms. When I realized how it is done, that people guide you through every aspect and that there is built in safety in the sport, I became totally comfortable,” said Liz Betz.
Cowboy Action Shooters
Vermilion Voice