Vermilion Elementary School is welcoming new principal, Calvin Anhorn. Anhorn is originally from Maple Creek, Saskatchewan but has spent the past 21 years working in the Buffalo Trail Public School Division (BTPS). First, he was the vice principal in Marwayne, then the principal in Chauvin, then Marwayne principal, and lastly Paradise Valley principal. He is looking forward to the new change and said that with every move he’s made he’s been sad to leave but enjoys the new beginnings. “I’ve heard great things about the school here, and being at BTPS and involved in several extracurricular activities in the area, I know some of the staff. When you have a well-established team, it’s much easier to come fit in and be part of the team,” said Anhorn. Previously at K - 12 schools, he is eager to work with the staff, elementary students, parents, and community in Vermilion. “I know younger ones can bring equal joy and they often show their emotions more readily; their faces light up. In a nutshell, I think I have some experience, I am passionate about children, and I love what I do. What resonates with me the most is when you know you have worked towards achieving a common goal (to help a student solve a concern or problem) and help them through it in a positive way. In the end, you know you’ve made a difference,” said Anhorn. Anhorn feels that curriculum is important, but that it is much more important for students to know that the staff cares about them as individuals. “I firmly believe that children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,” said Anhorn.