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  • Vermilion Voice

St. Jerome’s School Carnival

Hundreds of people were full of excitement at the St. Jerome’s School Carnival in Vermilion on February 28. Organized by the Grade 10 Leadership class, this year’s theme was, ‘Through The Ages’. “The Grade 10’s have been awesome and worked incredibly hard along with a ton of staff support,” said Allan MacMillan. Everyone from infants to grandparents were able to enjoy games such as penny toss, face painting, hockey shootout, a photo booth, disco pluck, fish pond, ring toss, tilted targets, balloon darts and a cake walk (a common favourite). Guests also enjoyed a silent auction, a snack shop with candy apples, popcorn, chocolates, cotton candy and refreshments as well as a separate Tea Room. Grade six students baked and volunteered in the Tea Room which was in support of their upcoming field trip to the Royal Tyrrell Museum. The Grade 6 students were very eager to help out as they are excited to sleep under the dinosaurs. The carnival as a whole will fund other student council and leadership activities. “Without the community’s support through donations and coming out to the event, this wouldn’t work and we are so grateful they continue to do it year after year. It’s a great night!” said MacMillan.

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