The East-West Chapter of the Alberta Carriage Driving Association held a Triple Drive Event which was sponsored by the Vermilion Ag Society at the Ag grounds on June 19 and 20. There were two Continuous Drive competitions held on June 19 in the morning and afternoon and a third competition held on June 20 in the morning. The competition was organized by Chapter president, Lorraine Dibben and was judged by Kathleen Winfield, President of the Jury (Dressage Judge), Chuck Taylor, Ground Jury (Cones Judge), Byron Crook, Technical Delegate (Derby Judge).

All COVID -19 restrictions were in place and followed throughout the competition.
The East-West Chapter is one of the driving chapters under the ACDA Association and is a non-profit organization that services northeastern Alberta and northwestern Saskatchewan. The association provides carriage driver enthusiasts hands-on seminars, driving competitions, clinics, a pleasure show, and many fun activities each year.
The East-West Chapter is now in its 31st year and holds annual events such as a Clinic in May, an Open Driving show on July 10 in Vermilion, a Fun Day in August, a Fall drive in September, a Sleigh ride in December, and the Cutter Rally for cancer in Lloydminster in February. New members are always welcome and you can check out their website at https://www.albertadriving-acda.ca/chapters/chapter_east_west.html