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Two Candidates Running For Mayor This Year

At the Municipal election October 18, Vermilion residents will have the opportunity to cast their votes and select who will occupy the Mayor’s chair in council for the next four years. Greg Throndson and Caroline McAuley have both announced their intent to run for Mayor. The Voice sat down and talked to each of them about their plans if elected, and why they think they should be Mayor.

Incumbent Mayor Caroline McAuley. Photo Lorna Hamilton

Incumbent Caroline McAuley is very proud of the accomplishments the residents of Vermilion and the Town Council have achieved together in the past four years.

“It has been a hard four years, I admire and applaud the businesses in our community for their perseverance the past two years, and want to thank not only them, but the community for supporting them,” commented McAuley.

McAuley would like to see the council’s goal of community engagement continue and expand in the next term.

“We had started making progress, but then had a difficult time when the pandemic arrived.” said McAuley

She feels this is a vitally important component of success. A major goal will be to continue ensuring present important services remain in Vermilion, and advocating for the town with the various branches of the provincial government that municipalities deal with. McAuley says she is very passionate about Vermilion, and would like to continue on as Mayor to help Vermilion to continue to grow and expand. She notes the monumental infrastructure projects that have been realized in the past four years, like the Waste Water Treatment Plant, supported downtown revitalization and expanded recycling services, as well as the aerial fire truck and the attainment of the Ice Plant, and wants to help Vermilion reach more of those types of goals.

Mayor Candidate Greg Throndson. Photos Dawn Riley

“I’m not going anywhere.” states candidate Greg Throndson, “you won’t find me at 85 retired in Hawaii, Vermilion is where I will be.” Born and raised in the community, Throndson has very strong, deep roots in Vermilion and plans to continue to let those roots grow. He has had direct involvement with many facets of the town, including the trade businesses, the farming community and the small business owners, giving him a “grounded sense of priorities for the town and everyone in it.” If elected, Throndson knows it will be a learning curve for him, he is entering the race with his ‘eyes wide shut’, he believes he will be bringing a positive and less biased perspective to the office. He does not have a huge grandiose plan for his time in office, the wants and dreams of a community cannot just be the Mayor’s, they are every citizen’s in Throndson’s perspective.

“I am not a politician, and that is why I should be mayor. I am not going to baffle you with bronze medallions and bullshit. I am just going to be me and I think I has the right perspective on life,” said Throndson.

Throndson states that “We have a helluva community, and I enjoy being a part of every part of this community.”

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