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Getting Ready For The Boston Marathon

Vermilion Voice

Training for the Boston Marathon. Photo credit Horst von Bohlen.

261 Fearless Ambassador Susanna Pankiw from Marwayne says she is excited ahead of taking part in the Boston Marathon this month on April 17.

261 Fearless is a global community of women who have found strength, power and fearlessness from putting one foot in front of the other.

Pankiw, who is also a mom, a teacher, and a writer, is aiming to help inspire women have fun while getting fit.

“I started my running journey in 2010. I had seen videos on Kathrine Switzer, who became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entry, and I thought she was an amazing person and I loved everything about what her vision stood for.

Switzer trained for and completed the 1967 Boston Marathon under entry number 261. Then the opportunity came up for me to join 261 Fearless as an ambassador so I applied for that.

I went to Denver, Colorado in June 2016, to attend 261 Fearless Club Training, and I returned with inspiration and a renewed vision of the power of women, and I had the honour of meeting Switzer.

What started out as a workshop filled with a room of women who shared a vision of beginning women's running groups ended up with a sisterhood of like-minded individuals with a mission to empower women through running,” said Pankiw.

“I left with a wealth of knowledge, numerous friendships and a passion to bring this 261 Fearless vision to the women in Canada,” she added.

The 261 Fearless Club in Lloydminster was the first 261 Club to be set up in Canada.

The Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the world's best-known road racing events. Runners must meet certain qualifying standards. Pankiw qualified for the marathon through raising money for 261 Fearless using a charity bib.

“Boston is going to be very hilly, I found running on a treadmill boring so that’s why I’m been outside and running during winter. I even froze my nose once. Training is very important like fueling before hand and making sure you are drinking properly. My husband will be coming to Boston with me for support, and our team will be there too. I will finish on my hands and knees if I have to. Kathrine Switzer will be running with us too, which is awesome! My goal time would be to finish in 4 hours and 30 minutes, but realistically will all the hills I think it might take me a little bit longer than that,” said Pankiw.

To date, Pankiw has raised $6,286 of her $7,261 fundraising goal, if you would like to sponsor her further go to the link:

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