Old Oak Desk From 1904
(From left) Rod Haverslew, Museum Vice President Tom Kibblewhite and Museum President Jean Muire with the old oak desk donated to the Vermilion Museum on May 19.
Photo Marie Conboy
If the old oak desk at the Vermilion Museum could talk, it could tell many stories. The desk was donated to the Vermilion Museum on May 19, by Rod Haverslew who said, "he is delighted to donate the desk."
Rod and his wife Beth Haverslew from outside Calgary are moving to Vancouver Island to retire this year and said they decided to donate the desk to the Vermilion Museum because they are downsizing and they wanted to find it a good home.
“When Tom emailed me back and said he would take the desk I was really happy. We think it may have survived the Great Vermilion Fire of 1918. It was around during World War I and World War II and my Aunt who owned the Stephens Store in Vermilion gave me the desk after they sold the store in 1969,” said Haverslew.
The desk appears to have travelled some distance before coming to rest at the Vermilion Museum.
“As far as we know it came to Elk Point down the Saskatchewan River in 1904. The Stephens Brothers who owned the Stephens Store in Vermilion were the ones who then hauled the desk back to Vermilion by wagon,” said Museum Vice President, Tom Kibblewhite.
Museum President, Jean Murie explained that they will be using the desk at the museum and believes using antiques is a good way to preserve them.
“I am so excited that we have been given this desk. It’s special to Vermilion, and it’s special to the Haverslew family. We will be putting a plaque on the desk that gives credit to the Haverslews who donated it,” said Muire.