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Vermilion Heritage Museum Celebrates Canada 150

The Vermilion Heritage Museum Mural revealed on June 3 in celebration of Canada 150. Photos Angela Mouly

Community members were eager to appreciate traditional arts and history as they gathered at the Vermilion Heritage Museum who celebrated Canada 150 by hosting a Mural Unveiling on June 3.

Replacing a similar previous mural, the new one included provincial flowers and is expected to last many years.

“The original was painted on corrugated plastic, and the new one is a digital weather resistant sign material,” said Board of Directors President, Jean Murie.

Kirby Whitlock poses with his 1926 Model T Ford.

Board member, Kirby Whitlock assisted the Vermilion Army Cadets as they volunteered to barbecue hot dogs, smokies, and hamburgers. Whitlock also showed car and history enthusiasts his 1926 Model T that he had just picked up the day before.

The Vermilion Pottery Guild had a selection of traditional handmade pieces available, and a clay demonstration for people to get the feel of it. Robin Clark volunteered to demonstrate blacksmithing, making artifacts forged of steel. With him, he had a forge and blower, anvil, and swage block, and the necessary tools used to hold, heat, and shape the metal.

Robin Clark making a spiral hook out of steel at the Vermilion Heritage Museum on June 3.

“I love the challenge of doing it and seeing the end result. It is interesting because it is limitless what you can make and do. Blacksmithing is becoming a lost or dying trade with few people to keep it going but it’s a tradition that goes back hundreds of years,” said Clark.

People who entered the museum also had their first look at the Thomas Alban Snelgrove WWI display.

“The museum concentrates on historical items being tied to Vermilion. It’s nice to be able to create the display, and have people that will continue to see it,” said Robert Snelgrove.

Included in the display was a sketch from the Glascow Weekly Herald dated November 16, 1918, created by Walter Meller who was the great uncle of Margaret Snelgrove.

You can find out how a Glascow Weekly Herald sketch dated November 16, 1918, ties to Vermilion along with many other interesting facts by visiting the Vermilion Heritage Museum.

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