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Pilkieville Park Open

The Pilkieville park is officially open

Back row, Councillor Greg Barr, Councillor Rob Pulyk, Parks and Recreation board member Val Smith and Director of Community Services Shawn Bell.

Group; children attending the Vermilion Summer Fun Program and community children.

Photo Lorna Hamilton

Town councillors, Parks and Recreation committee members, children from the Vermilion Summer Fun program and community members gathered at the site of the new Pilkieville park on July 14 for its official opening.

Before the opening ceremony, children from the community and Summer Fun program could be seen laughing and having fun swinging and climbing on the newly installed playground equipment.

Councillor Rob Pulyk gathered the children together before emceeing the grand opening ceremony.

“I’m here today to do the official opening of the Pilkieville playground. Can you say that (Pilkieville) children?” said Pulyk

According to Pulyk almost two years ago Parks and Recreation thought the area of Pilkieville needed a playground as the closest playground to the area was across Highway 41.

“Through the Town, we did a survey of the people who live around here to see if they thought there was a need for it and if the location was great and what kind of playground they thought they would want. The choices were either the new style natural playground where the children could climb over hills and rocks and over trees or the traditional playground; the members of the community decided they would like a traditional playground,” said Pulyk.

Pulyk went on to say that the Parks committee obtained different playground designs and that they decided to let the children of the community decide what style of playground they wanted.

“Different designs were sent over to VES and the children of VES voted on the style they wanted here, so thanks to the children of VES we have the style here today that they chose which is really unique,” said Pulyk.

The total budget for the new playground was approximately $75,000 with funding coming from the Municipal Sustainability Initiative and Parks Development reserve. Blue Imp from Edmonton supplied and installed the playground equipment, while Greg Young Trenching prepared the site and donated towards the cost of the excavation while Lloyd’s Limb’s was involved in the tree trimming and getting the area prepared and the Town staff helped with preparation.

“One of the beauties of this area is that the Town owned the property and it was just sitting there not really used,” said Shawn Bell, director of community services.

“We had few other areas within the community here but we felt this was the best choice,” said Pulyk.

Nicole Frankiw from the Vermilion Summer Fun program feels the new playground is a bonus to the community.

“I think it is awesome! There is a lot for them to do, a lot of climbing which is something they all love to do,” said Frankiw.

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