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Vermilion Voice

2nd Annual Feast On The Farm

Celebrating their agricultural roots and student-led activities, Lakeland College hosted the 2nd Annual Feast On The Farm at the Barr Farm in Vermilion on August 19.

Approximately 250 community members gathered outdoors to enjoy an evening of fine dining and musical entertainment.

“We have an interdependent relationship with the community, and being involved is a big part of what we do. We would like to thank our sponsors and industry partners,” said Geoff Brown, Lakeland College’s Associate Dean of Agricultural Science.

Brown went on to say that Lakeland College has grown in a lot of different areas including the heavy oil program, human services, university transfers, school of business, interior design, trades, and the fire school.

Lakeland College President, Alice Wainwright-Stewart said that the original owner of the property where the event was held, William Barr, was a student in their very first class. Now Lakeland College host 8,000 students yearly from 20 countries in 55 programs.

“For celebrating our roots and allowing a dynamic future, thank you. Your generosity directly impacts the opportunities students have. Students realize they get an invaluable experience here. Thanks to community and industry support, Lakeland College is a training ground for success. Thank you for your belief in Lakeland College and helping us to lead in learning now and for generations to come,” said Stewart.

Left: Lakeland College graduates Cayley Peltzer, and Jess Verstappen shared their invaluable college experience at Feast on the Farm.

Right: Lakeland College President, Alice Wainwright-Stewart, shared her appreciation to the community for supporting Feast on the Farm.

Agribusiness graduates Cayley Peltzer and Jess Verstappen emceed the event and shared their personal benefits from having been a part of student-led activities at Lakeland College. A live auction provided some friendly community competition for some serious prize packages.

In festive country spirit, the ‘Dirt Rich Band’ provided a wildly entertaining close to the evening keeping guests dancing and laughing the beautiful summer night away.

From left: ‘Dirt Rich Band’ members Fuzzy Kennedy-Bass; Dallas Schira-Lead Singer; Landon Franson-Vocals and Lead Guitar; Levi Hnatow-Banjo, Mandolin, and Vocals; Jamie Reddekopp- Rhythm Guitar; and Erik Keichinger-Drums.

Photos Angela Mouly

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