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Town Council Nominee – Tannis Henderson

Tannis Henderson Photo Angela Mouly

Tannis Henderson, Owner of Elevation, submitted her nomination for town council on September 18.

Since moving from Edmonton to Vermilion five years ago with her two daughters, Henderson has opened her own business, volunteered as an executive member of the Rotary Club, a director of the Good Life Institute, and is a founding member of Women of Vermilion.

Henderson went on to say that between her business and volunteering with her children’s school and community sporting events she has become involved in the community.

“I feel I have a good finger on the pulse of what is going on in Vermilion and a skill set that would be an attribute to council,” said Henderson.

Henderson is looking forward to adding a fresh perspective to council to promote tourism and help both new and existing businesses.

By engaging current business owners, Henderson hopes to help plan for the future of Vermilion. "I would like to work with surrounding communities to promote town events and help those communities with their events. I would also like to work with existing businesses, and new entrepreneurs in the areas of succession planning and mentorship," said Henderson

Henderson loves how the people of Vermilion are always willing to help one another and believes Vermilion as a community has a lot to offer.

For more information you can search Facebook - 'Tannis Henderson – Candidate for Vermilion Town Council.'

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