Born and raised in Vermilion, Greg Barr has served on Town Council for the past four years and submitted his nomination to re-run on September 18.
Barr has a Diploma in Aircraft Electronics, dairy farming experience, and is currently an electrical instrumentation Laboratory Technician at Lakeland College. He has also gained experience volunteering as a past Agriculture Society member, at the Vermilion Curling Rink, Lakeland College events, Town of Vermilion events, as a 4-H leader and district chair, as a UFA delegate, and as a past president of the Vermilion Vipers Swim Club.
“I am running for Town Council because like so many other people, I feel I have a voice; and though it is always easier to criticize the works of others, I am daring to help. As a public servant there is always an overriding thought of being there to serve the public,” said Barr.
Councillor Barr has worked on the Transportation and Utilities Committee, the Transportation and Protection Services Committee, the Vermilion River Regional Waste Management Committee, the Vermilion Public Library Board, the Northern Lights Library System Board, the Airport Committee, and as an alternate for the Vermilion and District Housing Foundation Committee.
“This year through the Transportation Committee, we established an Airport Committee to look into the viability of attracting other businesses to Vermilion.
With the new Waste Management System, we have moved to more environmentally friendly ways of disposing of our recyclables and in doing so have reduced the cost of recyclables by over half. We also plan to launch an organics recycling program to further reduce our impact on landfills.
Town Council also plans to continue infrastructure investment to not leave Vermilion in infrastructure deficit,” said Barr.
According to Barr, being a councillor is rewarding because they all have a vested interest in enabling a good foundation to allow businesses to thrive and draw in families and to see the town grow.
“On a personal level, we want to see the kind of growth that only happens when you step outside of your boundaries. It is important not to let mistakes stop you from trying. If you don’t succeed one way; try another. I still feel I have alot to offer,” said Barr.
Barr went on to say that one of the things he appreciates most about Vermilion is the sense of close community spirit seen at events like the Canada Day Celebration or the Annual Fair put on by the Vermilion Agricultural Society.
“Vermilion’s volunteers are what make it special by stepping in to action to continue the things that are worth preserving,” said Barr.
Photo Sue Chikie