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Beginners Learn From The Best - Saddlebronc/Bareback School

From left, Instuctors Lane Cust, Clay Elliot, Cort Scheer, and Dusty Hausauer at the

2017 Saddlebronc/Bareback School in Vermilion. Photos Angela Mouly

Both seasoned and beginner competitors signed up for the 2017 Saddlebronc/Bareback School held at the Lakeland College Equine Centre in Vermilion from November 3 – 5.

Instructors shared knowledge on safety, horsemanship, and emotion, and gave plenty of feedback throughout the weekend.

“When you can break through the barrier of fear, then you can learn something. I love the lifestyle that goes along with the sport,” said Clay Elliott, Professional Saddlebronc Rider.

Elliott had attended the school in Vermilion when he was learning, and was back for his second year as an instructor this year.

Also back to instruct for the second time was Professional Saddlebronc Rider, Cort Scheer, who expressed the importance of being comfortable in the sport.

“The more experience you can get, the better off you’ll be. Every horse is different, so by being comfortable and confident in any situation, you can learn how to handle it or how to win in any situation. Everyone will hit the dirt a lot of times, but you can learn to use the fear as positive adrenaline instead of a negative,” said Scheer.

Scheer also noted that his favourite part of the sport is the comradery between contestants.

“Without rodeo, I wouldn’t have gotten to meet that many cool people. The friends that you make, as well as the memories and good times are what last. With rodeo in general, we’re like family,” said Scheer.

From left, Participants Tyrell Simpson, Brooke Starke, Blake Hollis, Dawson Pratt, Brodie Roessler, and Ben Dumontel.

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