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Bus Boys Roll In To Craig’s

In Bus From Left: Ross McIlhagga, Arnold Usenik

From Left: Jim Barr, Allan Forbes, Bill Mayowski, Curtis Wilson, Ray Wilson, Bob Snelgrove, Jack Seewalt, Brian Letawsky, Lyle Farkash, John Beloglowka, Brad Hines, Robert Snelgrove, Keith Sutherland, Dave Marsh, Brian Ford, Bob Barr, Mark Swan, Eric Snelgrove, Willy Snelgrove, John Christensen, Bruce Dixon, Neil Snelgrove, Bill Hamblin, Gary Moses, Turkey Snelgrove, Bob Wilson, John Sweeney, and Jim Letawsky travelled in a bus to Craig’s Department Store in 1982. Photo submitted

From left, Gary Zayac, Dear Barr, Doug Wilson, Allan Forbes, Robert Snelgrove, Bob Snelgrove, Tyler Moses, Jesse Anderson, Derek Moses, Bill Mayowski, Jay Snelgrove, Arnold Usenik, Jack Seewalt, Bob Wilson, Pete Wilkinson (hiding), Brad Hines, Kellen Snelgrove, Willie Snelgrove, Gary Moses, John Dixon, Turkey Snelgrove, Nick Perakis, Jim Letawsky, Rusty Stalwick, Neil Snelgrove, and Jay Sinclair outside Craig’s Department Store on December 12.

On December 12, a bus load of local men pulled up at Craig’s Department Store in Vermilion to thank John and Doug Stewart for their many years of service.

Original driver, Arnold Usenik, returned to help recreate a similar event that took place in 1982, and Doug Stewart came to greet the gentleman. According to participants, the original trip had stemmed from hearing concerns that a group of ladies had taken a bus to Edmonton to Christmas Shop. While having their coffee Christmas party, a group of men decided to respond by adventuring a mere two blocks away for a Christmas shopping extravaganza at Craig’s Department Store.

Some original group members and many of the next generation attended on the second trip and all enjoyed reminiscing their many special memories of Craig’s. The men exchanged stories and checked out areas of the store they hadn’t seen in several years.

“The bus boys would like to thank John and Doug Stewart for their hospitality,” said Gary Moses.

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