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  • Vermilion Voice

Atom Girls – Provincial Champions

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The Vermilion Selte Fuels Female Atom Tigers won the provincial gold medal game in St. Paul on March 18.

The team had not won zones but were selected as a wildcard team to attend the provincial tournament. Competing against seven other teams from across Alberta, the team worked hard for their banner.

Coach Derek Selte said, “I am most proud of their ability to play as a team and their work ethic during the tournament. Everyone from the goalie out was amazing!”

During the round robin, Vermilion won against Lethbridge 3 – 0, and against Airdrie 4 -3, but lost to Camrose 2 -1. With a one-goal differential, they were given a spot in the semi-final against Red Deer and won 3 -1. The gold medal game was played against Okotoks, with Vermilion winning 5 – 1.

Throughout their season, the team had 24 wins, seven losses, and five ties. Separate from hockey Alberta, they are continuing to play in the league and will be playing at the Vermilion Stadium at 6:30 p.m. on March 23.

According to Selte, Vermilion has only had a female atom team for the past three years.

“We are pretty lucky in Vermilion to have lots of girls in hockey. The girls were very happy and are thankful for all of the fan support,” said Selte.

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