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Town Clean-up And BBQ A Success

Over 100 Vermilion residents and businesses volunteered their time to help make Vermilion even more beautiful during the Annual Town Clean-up event held from April 30 to May 5. While some groups were larger such as the Cornerstone Co-op group, individuals like Richard and Margaret Bennet joined in and chose a section of town to clean. “We had a team of 10 and chose the area between Fountain Tire west to the Vermilion Health Centre. We met at one place at 10 a.m. Saturday morning and split into two teams with one starting in the west and one in the east and we met in the middle,” said Cornerstone Co-op Community Engagement Coordinator, Heather MacMillan. “We spent time cleaning the industrial area in the evening on May 1,” said Richard Bennet. Groups and individuals who volunteered to help beautify Vermilion were treated to a free barbeque lunch provided by the Town on Saturday, May 5 at the Town office parking lot. “We are so grateful to the community groups, residents, and businesses who volunteered, as well as to Cornerstone Co-op for cooking the hamburgers,” said Community Services Assistant, Nadine Ferbey.

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