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  • Vermilion Voice

Friends Of Habitat Announce First Turnover

The Friends of Habitat group announced their first turnover of one of the Habitat For Humanity homes in Vermilion during an information session at the Provincial Building on September 13. Families gathered with curiosity at the possibility of affordable home ownership. The prospective home is located at 4717- 48B Avenue in Vermilion. The group explained what the application process is like, and what would happen if selected. Families would continue to be ambassadors for Habitat in the future, and would rent the first year before the mortgage is drawn up, with the possibility of rent going towards the mortgage. “It’s a wonderful program! We are so thankful to the community of volunteers on past projects; they are the ones who carry it, everyone from fundraisers to tradespeople, to providing meals for workers. We are looking forward to working with Habitat Edmonton (who manages all of northern Alberta), and the families to keep our Habitat Homes in Vermilion; there is a need,” said Linda Jacejko. Families may qualify if their annual gross income is between $32,000 and $60,000, there are children under the age of 18 living at home, and if they are willing to volunteer 500 hours as their down payment. Applications must be submitted to Linda Jacejko by October 1. The group is hoping to have a family move in by the beginning of December. For more information, you can call 780-853-0606.

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