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Calves For Cancer

Vermilion Voice

On November 14, North Central Livestock held a Calves for Cancer auction with great success and 100 per cent of the proceeds from the auction going to the Cross Cancer Institute.

This year the Cross Cancer Institute is celebrating 50 years in existence. The centre sees over 500 patients every day for consultations, diagnosis and treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The institute is also recognized as a world-class research facility and has over 600 patients enrolled in one of over 100 clinical trials with access to the newest drugs and cancer therapies.

In recognition of the institutes 50 years of operation and as part of the year long Show the Love Initiative for the 50th anniversary of the Cross Cancer Institute 840CFCW began an initiative called Calves for Cancer to help raise funds.

"This was a CFCW initiative with BLCO- KFC and Northlands as sponsors of the event. Our goal was to get 50 calves donated for the 50 years of the Cross, but we ended up with over 70 cattle producers donating throughout north/central Alberta," said Jackie Rae Greening, Manager of Operations CFCW and New Country 98.1 Program Director.

The Calves for Cancer auction held at North Central Livestock in Vermilion was a success with five calves on auction with one of the calves bought and donated back to sell again in memory of Frank Sloan and Murray Westman.

The heifer calf weighing in at 550lb donated by Triefen Pesaruk was purchased by Labreque Ranching & AKS Ranch for $2.21 per LB totalling $1215.50 who donated the calf back and was later purchased by Mitchell Farms for $2.12/LB for a total of $1166.00. Emil & Michelle Palsitt also donated one heifer weighing in at 652 lbs that was bought by Lonesome Pine Cattle Co. for $2.10/lb for a total of $1369.20 which was also donated back and purchased by Willow Ridge Farms $2.05/lb for a total of $1336.60. The third heifer which weighed in at 556lbs was donated by Nathan Palsitt and was purchased in memory of Frank Sloan and Murray Westman by Rutledge Ranching for $2.30/lb totalling $1278.80, donated back and purchased by Sloan Cattle Co. at $2.30/lb totalling $1278.80, repeating the process of donating the calf back it was then purchased by NCL Vermilion at $2.30/lb totalling $1278.80 and was again donated back to the auction with the final purchase to Anchor Lazy U Cattle Co. at $2.30/lb totaling $1278.80.

In steers, Dennis Bacque donated one steer at 635lbs that sold for $2.20/lb totalling $1397 to Vee Tee Feeders. Rene & Patti Chalut also donated a steer at 555lbs which sold for $2.1750/lb totaling $1207.12 to Vee Tee Feeders.

The local auction didn't just include calves there was also a puppy donated by Terry and Sonia Franklin which was purchased together by John Romaniuk & River Country Land & Cattle for $350.

The goal set by 840CFCW was to raise $115,000 for the Centre, but to date, that goal has been already surpassed with still some auctions due to take place.

The final amounts from each Auction that has taken place thus far is: Stettler Auction Mart - $5973, Provost Livestock Exchange -$2800, Farmfair - $24,900, Thorsby Stockyards - $29,206, North Central Livestock Clyde - $15,269, VJV Rimbey - $3000, Viking Auction Mart - $13,630, North Central Livestock Vermilion - $14,815, VJV Ponoka - $10,508, Innisfail Auction Mart - $4800, VJV Westlock - $27,770, Northern Livestock in Lloydminster - $16,000, for a grand total of $168, 671.

Alberta Cancer Foundation's, President and CEO George Andrews is very grateful to everyone involved in this fundraiser.

“The Alberta Cancer Foundation is made up of Albertans helping Albertans right across this province and the Calves for Cancer Initiative is a perfect example of that,” says George Andrews, President and CEO of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. “We are so grateful to Jackie Rae at 880CFCW and the generosity of so many ranchers across this province who raised much more than we imagined. Rural Alberta really showed the love to the Cross Cancer Institute and on behalf of patients and families we hear from every day, we are so thankful to them,” said Andrews.

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