The Vermilion Friends of Habitat Committee and Edmonton Habitat For Humanity welcomed Donna Bodurka and her children during a home dedication ceremony on November 26. Donna grew up in Clandonald, and has been living and working in Vermilion for the past few years. Edmonton Habitat For Humanity President and CEO, Karen Stone, said that the organization has welcomed 74 families including 200 children into homes this year, and that they serve 430-440 families at any one time across northern Alberta. “This is a first for us in Vermilion, being a buy back, the home was built in 2016. It is becoming extremely hard for people across our country to enter into home ownership. Affordable homes are critical, and it wasn’t an easy journey, but the program is sustainable. We would like to thank the committee and volunteers in Vermilion for their dedication raising funds to change the lives of individuals. Donna, we know you are going to fill this home with fabulous memories. May you and your family be extraordinarily happy here,” said Stone. Mayor Caorline McAuley said, “I’d like to thank the committee for putting their heart and soul, and working very hard to make this a reality in our community. Welcome, and congratulations; I hope this home becomes a place of safety, memories, and security.” Donna’s four children, Jade, Ariel, Stephen, and Austin were also excited about their new home and Stephen said, “I can’t wait to show friends the new home, Jade is excited that we can have pets, Ariel looks forward to having a warm house, and Austin likes that it is close to the skate park. Thank you to Habitat for Humanity for giving my mom the opportunity to own our own home.” On behalf of the committee, Linda Jacejko said, “This is a very generous, committed town. We are so thrilled to put a new family back into this house. We know how important it is to have a home that is yours, and we wanted to share that experience with you.” Upon receiving the keys to her new home, recipient Donna Bodurka said, “I’m probably the happiest person here today. I heard about Habitat from a friend of mine, and attended an information session, where I became excited for myself and my children. I never thought about owning my own home; it was a far off dream. How can a single mom with four children own her own home? We have obtained the first portion of our community volunteer hours by helping out at the museum, arena, and around the area. This is a place we can take pride in and invite friends. It’s like winning the lottery; it really is a dream come true. I’d like to thank my mom and dad, Lil and Ed Radesh, who especially have always been there for me. I would like to thank the members of the Friends of Habitat Committee and Edmonton Habitat For Humanity for having faith in me.” Committee member, Tom Kibblewhite said a blessing over the family and the house. A lot of hugs, smiles, and excitement were shared, and guests went on to enjoy visiting over refreshments provided by the committee.