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Vermilion Voice

Vermilion Farm Curl

Bagpipes filled the air as the Lakeland Pipes and Drums Band lead dignitaries and teams across the ice during the opening ceremony for Farm Curl in Vermilion on January 17. The Vermilion Agricultural Society hosted the event that continued until January 19, and Charlotte Wasylik welcomed everyone. Ag Society president, Jason Zayac, Mayor Caroline McAuley, and Stacey Hryciuk on behalf of the County of Vermilion River threw three ceremonial stones to kick-off the tournament. Forty teams went on to enjoy friendly competition, followed by four games on Friday, four games on Saturday, as well as a banquet, entertainment by Rapid Fire Theatre, and a presentation of awards. “This was the maximum amount of teams that they could have. It is great to celebrate the agriculture industry and thanks to all of the volunteers and sponsors,” said Mayor Caroline McAuley. Event coordinator, Charlotte Wasylik, verified that it is the first year in many that the event has seen that many teams. She has curled in this bonspiel for many years and was very thankful for the support, as well as to the sponsors from Vermilion and surrounding areas. “Whether you are a farmer or a business person, Farm Curl is such a great representation of the community coming together to celebrate the sport of curling and celebrate farmers. It was great to see the participation of all the teams; everyone had a great time and we are looking forward to next year!” said Wasylik.

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