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  • Vermilion Voice

Art Show And Sale

There were many vibrant art pieces displayed at the Vermilion Regional Centre from April 12 – 13, as the Vermilion Community Art Club held their 9th Annual Art Show & Sale. A wine and cheese event on April 12, allowed hundreds of guests to enjoy viewing the large selection of varying art mediums including painting, sketching, photography, pottery, fabric, wood, antlers, leather, and welded metal. A range of originals, prints, cards, books, jewellery, and magnets were available for purchase. Live classical music by the RGB Trio, and snacks provided a relaxing atmosphere for guests to stay and mingle while perusing the artwork. Artists displayed paintings, and gave live demonstrations on April 13, and guests enjoyed watching the artists at work. Featured artist, Eraine Wegiel, displayed her airbrush, watercolour, and native totems. “Being featured was a surprise, and I didn’t think I had enough work. They said, ‘You paint every day!’ and they were right. I joined the Art Club three years ago, and have loved that everyone is so helpful with ideas,” said Wegiel. Several raffle items were drawn, and the club was thankful to volunteers for helping set up and take down at the event. “This year, there was a lot of new work. The contributors have been amazing, including 46 artists and 50 sponsors. We are very grateful that artists are always telling us that this is one of the best shows around because they always feel welcome,” said show chairperson, Sandra Miller.

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