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Folk Club

The audience swayed along to tender melodies as the Vermilion Folk Club hosted Eileen Laverty on July 23. From Saskatoon, Laverty enjoyed playing in Vermilion and said, “Folk Clubs are volunteer driven, and I’m so grateful that I have the chance to meet everyone and share some music in Vermilion! I’ve wanted to come here for years. She has been performing for over 20 years, and loves making music with her friends, and connecting with people in different ways. One of her trio members, Jessie Brown played a solo piano single that he had composed called, ‘Flocks.’ Kimbal Siebert also accompanied her on guitar. Laverty also described how she had spent part of last year creating music for playwright Daniel Macdonald. She said that the play follows the King Lear story and is set on the prairies. From that collection, she played a new song called, ‘Love So Rare.’

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