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VRFC - Recurrent Training Seminar

Vermilion Voice

From left, Air Traffic Operations Specialist Dan McKay from Edmonton ACC, Flight Instructor Erwin Warkentin, Transport Canada’s Edgar Simard, NAV Canada’s Darcy Balaneski, and Hancraft Aeromotive’s Geoff Hancock. Photo Angela Mouly

The Vermilion River Flying Club hosted a Recurrent Training Seminar on October 26, at the Easter Star Hall in Vermilion.

Approximately 25 pilots gathered to refresh their knowledge, learn about new changes in the industry, and available services. Pilots were able to count the experience towards their two-year licence requirements. Representatives from NAV Canada, Transport Canada, a local instructor, and a local engineer gave presentations throughout the day.

NAV Canada’s Darcy Balaneski said, “The new system should allow relevant NOTAMs along a pilot’s flight path. They will meet an international standard so that we are consistent across the globe.”

He also shared news that NAV Canada are the first ones the world to deploy space based ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) domestically, and the first to deploy it over the North Atlantic (the world’s busiest airspace) simultaneously with the United Kingdom’s air navigation service(NATS) and the Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration.

“Others used to use ground based technology. This means missing aircraft can be found in moments and impacts safety and efficiency globally,” said Balaneski.

Civil Aviation Inspector for transport Canada, Edgar Simard, informed pilots on how to make a stabilized approach. He suggested that it is better to do a missed approach than an incorrect one.

Flight Instructor, Erwin Warkentin, estimated that for every knot a pilot travels faster than prescribed upon landing, they will land approximately 100 feet past their expected landing spot.

“No job or no life is worth flying when weather does not permit,” said Warkentin who also suggested for pilots to keep their emergency or survival kits accessible.

He went on to say that new regulations included waiting 12 hours after consuming alcohol (previously 8). New regulations require waiting 28 days after any method of cannabis consumption for pilots, air traffic controllers, and flight engineers.

A maintenance presentation was also given by Geoff Hancock from Hancraft Aeromotive who suggested that pilots meet their annual requirements, and gave recommendations for out of service periods.

“We are so fortunate in this country that to be able to fly, but let’s not hurt ourselves doing it,” said Hancock.

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