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Junior Curling Camp

Photo Kayla Gannon

The Vermilion Junior Curling Club hosted a Junior Curling camp on December 7. Children were full of excitement as an Edmonton Men’s Team led and instructed the camp. Members included lead Glenn Venance, 2nd Chris Kennedy, 3rd Tristan Steinke, and skip Karsten Sturmay who when representing Canada, won silver at the FISU Winter Universiade in Russia. Except for the Olympic Games, the Universiade are the largest international multi-sport event in the world. Originally from Kitscoty, Glenn Venance said, “We’ve been so fortunate and the curling world has been so good to us. It’s important for us to give back, and we want the children to have some of the same experiences we’ve had. I used to play here, and now it’s come full circle. It’s pretty humbling and an honour to get to come back and help out.” Children worked on curling skills and strategy throughout the day. Participant Jackson Maier said, “It was a lot of fun! I learned how to sweep properly, slide properly, and to throw the rock harder.” Overall everyone enjoyed themselves, and a special thank you was given to Kristin Ward who organized the camp.

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