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APEGA Celebrates 100 Years Of Public Safety

On April 10, 1920, the Government of Alberta passed the Engineering Profession Act, to apply and enforce regulations to engineering projects.

Out of the Act, the Government established the regulatory entity now known as the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). APEGA is a self-regulated association that enforces clauses of the Engineering and Geoscience Profession Act (EGP Act) to ensure public safety and maintain jobs in the engineering and geoscience industries.

“The whole industry has expanded over the past 100 years,” commented Nancy Biamonte, APEGA’s Chief Membership Services Officer.

The engineering and geoscience industries extend far out of the realm of construction and the oilfield industry; it covers various other types of projects, such as biomedical research, carbon capture and storage, alternative resources research, water safety, and more.

APEGA launched a centennial campaign to celebrate its vast history, but also to raise awareness about what APEGA stands for, and to emphasize APEGA’s value to Alberta. Over the years, APEGA has helped contribute to Alberta’s economy, and has consistently played an active role in Alberta since its establishment.

Starting in 2014, APEGA asked for feedback from members and stakeholders on ways to modernize the Engineering and Geoscience Profession Act, as its last update was 40 years ago. In a joint submission with the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET), APEGA sent the Government of Alberta over 160 recommended amendments and additions to the EGP Act, and the recommendations are now under review.

“We’re hoping it will get approved and passed in our centennial year,” Biamonte said.

APEGA also has programs for K-12 schooling and at University level. APEGA’s K-12 programs showcase engineering and geoscience careers to young minds and helps “foster creativity, innovation, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills,” according to These programs include elementary science nights, a rock and fossil clinic, Science Olympics, and a STEMester program, which is a program for Grade 10 students to explore science, technology, engineering, and math. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 STEMester has been temporarily paused.

APEGA’s University outreach is a collaboration with various Alberta universities such as the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary, and consists of scholarship opportunities, workplace skills and network opportunities, university events, and volunteer opportunities- which have been limited due to COVID-19.

For more information on APEGA, visit

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