On February 11 Balairus Fuels was the recipient of the Industrial Development Incentive Program through Economic Development – therefore receiving two plaques. One was to show they were part of the program and one was the standard New Business Plaque. Councilors Kirby Whitlock, Kevin Martin, Robert Snow, and Economic Development Coordinator Mary Lee Prior attended to present the plaques.
Darcy Balaneski, owner of the new fuel service expressed how currently there is no way for pilots to easily refuel once they land at the Vermilion Airport. Previously people would have to truck fuel in from elsewhere. According to Darcy, “this should help Vermilion grow, and bring in new businesses to the area.”
Councillor Robert Snow commented, “it’s a great service, and it sounds like it’s a needed service, it’s going to bring in a lot of great opportunities for the community.”