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Clandonald School Discusses Possible Closure

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

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On February 25, community members and the school board held a discussion via Zoom about the possibility of closing Clandonald school.

What was once a full grade 1-12 school, the now 1-6 school underwent a review completed by the superintendent, which recommended an investigation be done to study the viability of the school.

“There were some really exciting and innovative ideas brought to the board,” said Clandonald School Council Vice President Laurie Hopaluk, “we’re excited to see what the board does with that information.”

The meeting was attended by various community members, of which 11presented ideas to the board. Attendees included groups such as the Clandonald Ag Society, Friends of Clandonald, and the Parent Council. Discussions of grants, French immersion, a farm school, and more took place.

“The community really took a stance that this is a rural Alberta problem, and that we want to keep our kids in our community,” Hopaluk added.

A board meeting will take place in which the board will take into consideration all the ideas presented and evaluate other factors, which will be available to view as a livestream on the BPTS website agenda page. The board will make the decision as to whether or not the school will close at the meeting on March 17 at 9:30 a.m.

“We really appreciated people taking their time to put together the presentations and all the community engagement,” said Board Chair, Lanie Parr.

To find out ways to help and support the community, contact Laurie Hopaluk at 780-581-8289. To submit new ideas to help keep the school running, email the board secretary at

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