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Communities In Mind Is Back

Communities in Mind Campaign in 2021, Cornerstone Co-op and the Alberta Mental Health Foundation have partnered again this year to bring Mental Health resources to the community.

The intent of the campaign is to help the people who reside in the communities that Cornerstone Co-op serves know how to access services for Mental Health support through trying times. Originally created as a response to the social isolation and mental stress that COVID-19 has amplified for many people, the program is beneficial to anyone stressed or needing a place to turn to, and searching for resources and support.

During the week of February 14, displays were set up throughout Cornerstone Co-op’s stores with Alberta Health Services Health Promotion Facilitators available to provide resources and information on how to access services.

The second piece of the campaign gives community members the chance to purchase a branded paper heart, to display at the stores with a message or their name on it. In 2021, there were over 4,300 hearts displayed, raising over $18,000 that was distributed back to mental health programs and initiatives. The money raised is put back into programs in the community it came from.

For more information check out the Cornerstone Co-op website. To access the resources available visit For 24 hour assistance with Mental Health Issues, call the Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-3030-2642.


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