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Follow The Red Brick Road-Dorm Events Key To Luxe College Living

Vermilion Voice

Lakeland College students participate in Welcome Relay Race activities on the residence grounds near the Red Brick Road in Vermilion on Thursday, September 7. Photo Caylie Gnyra

On Thursday, September 7, approximately 70 college students followed the Red Brick Road—that is, the roadway that runs between and around the dormitories at Lakeland College’s Vermilion campus—to participate in the Welcome Relay Race. Lakeland’s Recreation department and Residence Life Facilitator Judy Eyben co-planned the event, while Residence Assistants (RAs) facilitated the activities. Lakeland’s website describes an RA as an “activity director, mentor, confidante, team member, shoulder to cry on, counsellor, and dorm authority all wrapped up into one,” and here, the RAs had their hands full—albeit mostly with powdered chalk.

The event began with a large-group tug-of-war amid hand-thrown puffs of coloured chalk. Facilitators then instructed students to form groups of 10 for the relay races. The relays were held with two teams competing at a time, and consisted of a straight sprint, an egg-and-spoon race, setting up a plastic cup pyramid, shooting down the team’s own cup pyramid using elastic bands, and a race to put on a Lakeland t-shirt that had previously been thoroughly wetted, neatly folded, and frozen.

RAs Jace and Jay explained how these activities are part of a larger series of “Dorm Wars”—opportunities for students to not only socialize but also earn points by attending various events throughout the year to have a chance to enter a campus housing lottery. Most students living in residence at Lakeland begin their studies in 40-person dorms on the west end of campus. However, the newer Delta townhouses offer more privacy, with just four people sharing one living space. Students need to acquire at least 15 points per semester by attending events spread throughout the year to be considered for the lottery. Closer to the end of the academic year, students who have reached this threshold are given the opportunity to reach into a bucket and draw a key, with the hopes that the one they’ve chosen will open the door to one of the Deltas.

Eyben reflects, “This was an excellent event to bring students together to get to know each other and to have some fun. I’m looking forward to the next big event that is happening on September 12, the pool party.”

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