The Vermilion Curling Club has secured a parcel of land for the 2021 cropping season to continue to raise funds for the Ice Plant improvement. Dean Jacula and Shawn Jacula will be providing the use of 70 acres of cultivated land for the initiative of raising funds towards Vermilion’s Ice Facility.
“The curling club has been an important facility for my parents and has continued on to our generation, although underutilized during these times, that will change, it is such an important hub for our community both physically and mentally,” said Shawn Jacula.
Andrew McCrae, Grow the Ice Plant Board Member, is excited for another season of this project stating, “We are happy to have many of last years’ contributors on-board again this year to cover the expenses which overall maximizes the revenue we can capture from the donation of the land.”
You can watch the agricultural community work together this season on the parcel of land which is three miles directly North of Vermilion on Highway 41.
From left Bethany and Shawn Jacula, Jean and Dean Jacula. Photo submitted