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Lakeland Rowing Club Getting Ready For Indoor Competitions

Rowing Club members practicing at Lakeland College. Photo Dawn Riley

The Lakeland Rowing Club has not been idle throughout the winter months. Club members continue to stay conditioned and ready for the water by training on stationary machines at the college twice a week. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6 am, you will find a handful of energetic rowers practicing for two upcoming indoor rowing events.

Saturday, February 26, rowers will be participating in a virtual team event rowing across Canada. This Canada-wide event is put on by the Provincial Rowing advisory councils. The goal is to see how many kilometres your team can row in a three-hour period.

The second event rowers are prepping for is on March 5. This 2000 metre race competition is the Alberta Rowing Association’s indoor championship.

Coach Peter Walsh has been rowing “forever” as he puts it, and was recently honoured by Rowing Canada Aviron for his milestone achievement of being part of the Lakeland’s Rowing Club for 25 years. In a statement on the club’s Facebook page the club posted;

“Peter was one of the founding members of our club, and has spent the past 25 years coaching and mentoring hundreds of rowers and new coaches, building our infrastructure, adding to and maintaining our armada, and growing this amazing sport in our community. Thank you for everything that you do, Peter!”

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