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  • Writer's pictureBraxton Hoare

Last Game For The Tigers

Photo submitted

The Wainwright series was rough for the Tigers for all four games; the team only came close to winning once. In the first game, the Wainwright Bisons won 5-1, starting off the 2nd round of playoffs strong. Game two was a little more balanced, both teams fought hard and in the end, it came down to a single point difference, 6 points for the Tigers, 7 for the Bisons. After another loss, the Tigers were losing hope, and when it came to game 3 they gave the game away, taking a 9-2 loss. The final score of the last game was 10-2 for Wainwright meaning the Vermilion team was finished with the playoffs, and the Wainwright players made it to the final round.

“The boys had a great year! We haven’t made it to the second round of playoffs since 2009! WELL DONE BOYS!,” stated the Vermilion JR B Tigers Facebook page.

The Tigers would like to send out special thanks to all their sponsors throughout the year as their season wouldn’t have been possible without their support.

“Our team parents also deserve thanks. You’ve made our season the BEST by volunteering your time. And last but NOT LEAST…Thank you to our FANS! We haven’t filled the stands like that for a long, long time! Our team will be back next season stronger than ever!” stated the site.

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