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Old Landfill Will Not Be Subdivided

The former Vermilion Landfill present day. Photo Dawn Rilery

Many Vermilion residents will remember the traditional landfill that used to sit south of the present-day Waste Transfer Station. This parcel of land and what to do with it recently became a topic of conversation among Town officials during the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) discussions with the County of Vermilion River.

The question of possible options for subdividing and putting the land to use were looked into by Town officials, trying to determine if there was a sustainable economic benefit to doing so. At the present moment, there doesn’t appear to be any benefit to subdividing the land. In discussion with the Alberta Environment consultant assigned to support the Town in monitoring the old landfill, it was determined that to leave the land as is right now was the best option. Selling the land as a contaminated site has the possibility of costing the Town more in the long run if reclamation of the land occurred.

It has been almost 20 years since the landfill was closed and the County began the changeover of the landfills to Waste Transfer Stations. In that time a more cost-effective system regarding solid waste has been developed, and much of it goes to the Beaver Municipal Waste Commission based out of Ryley Alberta. This system allows for reduced operating cost for the Vermilion River Regional Commission, including lower per tonne costs of solid wastes.

Derek Young, Director of Infrastructure and Planning Services stated that “Vermilion has access to an excellent facility, it is user friendly, clean and the present operators do an excellent job of maintaining it.”

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