The staff of Shoppers Drug Mart once again raised money for the Lois Hole Foundation through Run for Women, a fundraising campaign designed to support women’s mental health programs. After participating virtually last year due to COVID restrictions, this year the staff were able to gather as a group and do the 5km run/walk along with their families. Beginning April 10, the fundraising kicked off with a snack basket draw and a staff bottle drive. For $2 customers could enter into a draw for a snack basket and at the same time have their name put on a shoe icon in the store’s front window showing their support. The combination of the three efforts resulted in the store raising $1800 this year for the cause, something Store Front Manager Janice Hoffman is very proud of, “the staff were awesome and as always a great support for this cause. Events like this enhance our Shopper’s family strengths.” On July 6, the store drew Gail Tupper’s name as the winner of the snack basket. For more information on the Run for Women visit runforwomen.ca.