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St. Jerome's Graduation

Back Row- Row 7: from left, Leighton Veitch, Jamie Dolen, Austin Starko, Chris Ah hang, Josh Bagoyo, Declan Laurence, Row 6: Austin Swan, Jarek Voltner, Evan Sader, Noah Despins, Kent Mandocdo, Roben Espera, Row 5: Dawson Allen, Sean Ulrich, Diego Laurence, Kayden Bardoel, John Carlo Celiz, Gabriel Dyjur, Row 4: Matthew Beaudette, Sky Bodurka, Maranda Westergaard, Piper Fougere, Marc Langawin, Maica Miel, Row 3: Ashley Abrams Rowe, Brenna McFarlane, Kyla Woywitka, Rachel Campbell, Jayden Heinrich, Rona Sumalileng, Row 2: Tara Martin, Megan Krys, Liese McIntyre, Jorja McIntyre, Kaden Hayman Row 1: Bottom - can barely see, Amanda Collins, Lara Millan.

The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for May and took place on August 28 at St. Jerome’s School.

The Graduation Ceremony started out with an introduction of each student of the class of 2020 by Garrett Martin. This was followed by the playing of O’Canada, with no singing requested due to COVID-19 precautions.

The Prayer of St. Francis was lead by the Class of 2020 and Deacon Ken Noster followed with a blessing.

Next was Alan Rogan with an address from the East Central Catholic School division and then video messages from MP Shannon Stubbs, MLA for Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright Garth Rowsell, and Mayor of Vermilion Caroline McAuley.

Principal Allan Chase continued with his address to the Graduation students and the day continued with guest speaker Father Roger Rouleau and a few words from the Valedictorian Sean Ulrich.

Awards and a Candle Ceremony were part of the celebration as well as the presentation of certificates from Allan Chase.

Then the Grand March - COVID STYLE with closing remarks by Garrett Martin.

Allan Chase also said, “We are very excited to see the students again and are absolutely beaming with pride as we send them off to the next chapter of their lives. The graduation ceremony has quite a lot of changes due to COVID-19 but the School Spirit we are so proud of is still dominating the day. We are live streaming the program on our St. Jerome’s Face book page and it will remain on the site to be viewed for a couple of weeks.

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