The Long Term Management Program for Tenwell No. 1, a historically abandoned well located in the Brennan subdivision of Vermilion, is continuing to be successful in its plan to manage the methane emissions that the well gives off.
Due to an intervention by the Orphan Well Association (OWA) conducted last September, the gas that was leaking into the surrounding soil is now being directed into a wellbore, resulting in the emissions dropping so much that in some areas, they are below detection. In January, the temporary Active Methane Management System (AMMS), the vacuum unit that captures any gas coming up around the well was shut off, and weekly monitoring has shown that emissions are still under control. The OWA is currently working with Golder Associates to design a permanent AMMS unit for the site, this unit will be smaller and quieter than the present system, and incorporate underground piping and a small fenced-in building to house the unit. The timeline at the moment for this unit is the fall of 2021, with construction lasting roughly two weeks, and not affecting the park’s availability to the families of Brennan.
The Tenwell Oversight Team (TOT) is responsible for monitoring and making decisions regarding the well. The team consists of personnel from OWA, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Town of Vermilion. Derek Young with the Town of Vermilion is very pleased with the progress of the management program. He appreciates the thoroughness of the OWA, and the open communication lines that they have maintained throughout the entire process. “It has been a fantastic team to be a part of.” Young stated. They have established several contingency plans for various scenarios, and are ready to react if emissions change and methane management needs to be increased. The team keeps the community in the know, and has the resident’s safety as their number one priority. For further information about the management program for the well, visit the OWA website and look under the community heading at: