Vermilion Town Council began the second half of its first year together with a regular council meeting on April 19.
The Council proclaimed the week of April 24 - 30, 2022 as National Volunteer Week.
Councillor Joshua Rayment took the Oath of Office as Deputy Mayor for the months of May and June 2022.
Some 2022 Capital Budget amendments were required regarding maintenance vehicle replacement for the Town. Councillor Joshua Rayment moved that the budgeted amount be increased from $297, 000 to $316, 000. This motion was carried. Councillor Kevin Martin moved that the council approve the disposal of the surplus utilities van and street sweeper through auction or trade-in on purchase. Council approved the motion.
It was also moved and approved that Council approves the withdrawal of $10,590 from equipment reserves for the library to purchase needed equipment and direct that administration move $8,625 in funding to the contingency reserve.
Mr. Donald L. Isaman presented the Council with the 2021 audit. Council moved to accept the Financial Statements for 2021 as presented.
Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) gave an overview of NLLS and the programs offered through the library. Mr. James McDonald of NLLS also explained how the library system works and presented the 2021 Value Statement of the Northern Lights Library System.
The Orphan Well Association also presented to the council regarding Tenwell Site #1, the orphan well in Brennan Subdivision. A brief history of the well, the work that has been done to date and the planned work commencing this spring were given to council.
Council meetings can now be attended in person at the Town office, or watched through the town’s YouTube channel. The next regular council meeting is May 3 at 6 p.m.