A Regular Town Council Meeting was held on May 4, here are some of the highlights:
Community Peace Officer Greg Maughan began his duties on May 4, and was introduced to and warmly welcomed by the Council members.
Council proclaimed May 9-15 as International Economic Development Week.
The council did their second and third readings of the 2021 Budget and it was presented as a motion by Councillor Clint McCullough.
“That Council for the Town of Vermilion approve the 2021 Operating Budget of $14,665,572, including transfer to reserves of $1,369,698 and a 2021 Final Capital Budget of $2,840,000,” stated McCullough.
This motion was carried, and the 2021 Budget was approved.
The Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) is stalled and the Town is waiting to hear from the Government of Alberta in regards to the arbitration process.
You can watch Council meetings through the Town’s YouTube channel which you can access through their website. The next regular Council meeting is May 18 at 7p.m.