A Regular Town Council Meeting was held on November 2. Here are some of the highlights:
Sgt. Dunsmore of the Vermilion Detachment attended council to give the quarterly report. He reviewed the detachment staffing and indicated that they are fully staffed at present. Sgt. Dunsmore explained The RCMP Provincial Policing Report template that the Sgt. is now submitting to the Town for reporting is used throughout the province and provides an easier to read and consistent format.
The three area goals that the detachment will focus on over the next year are: Crime Reduction - Property Crime, Police/Community Relations - Consultations and Connections, and Traffic Enforcement. Sgt. Dunsmore commented that property crime is an issue throughout Alberta. He also indicated that the decrease in property crime is a result of prevention efforts by members.
The Council voted to cancel the November 16 regular meeting to allow for the council members that will be attending it, to travel safely to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) 2021 Convention in Edmonton that evening.
Council moved that Council for the Town of Vermilion approve the use of $8,100 in funds from future building reserve for concrete work and engineering fees to increase building accessibility of the Vermilion Public Library. The money will be used to extend the ramp on the North side of the building by the main entrance. This extension will provide easier accessibility into the library for mobility scooters.
Meetings can now occur in person at the Town office, with members of the public invited to join the council. You can also continue to watch Council meetings through the Town’s YouTube channel which you can access through their website. The next regular Council meeting is December 7, at 7 p.m.