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  • Writer's pictureLorna Hamilton

Town Of Vermilion FCSS Celebrates Seniors

Town of Vermilion employees, Councilor Kirby Whitlock, Mayor Greg Throndson, and senior Glen Teasdale playing snakes and ladders. Photos Lorna Hamilton

On June 7 the Town of Vermilion FCSS (Family & Community Support Services) held a community picnic at the Vermilion Heritage Park to celebrate Seniors Week within the community.

With beautiful blue skies and perfect weather conditions seniors from the community as well as Seniors from the Vermilion Valley Lodge, Lodge recreation staff, Town of Vermilion employees, Mayor, and Council members had the opportunity to participate in games such as giant snakes and ladders, and bean bag toss. If games were not a preference of choice, seniors could sit and visit or listen to music and song performed by John Jacob Karwandy.

Town of Vermilion FCSS Senior Coordinator, Shirley McRobert welcomed everyone to the event before handing it over to the Town of Vermilion Mayor Greg Throndson.

“I am glad to see everyone who has come out today, welcome.”

“Good afternoon everybody, welcome, thank you for inviting me. I am very proud and honoured to be here and be able to speak to a portion of the Seniors of Vermilion. It is wonderful to see you all, could we have a nicer day except for maybe rain tonight,” commented Mayor Throndson.

Vermilion Valley Lodge resident Eva Waterfield and Councilor Paul Conlon playing bean bag toss.

Mayor Throndson acknowledged his fellow council members who were also in attendance.

“I am so happy to see my fellow council members who have come to say thank you to the seniors of our community. I see many familiar faces in the crowd. We have to say thank you to all the Seniors, no offense, but you are the people who built this community, the Seniors under this roof and the Seniors that aren’t here today. You all built this community, volunteered in this community, worked hard in this community and you deserve the right to be thanked and acknowledged on a day and a week like this because if you were not here building Vermilion and building our community, I would not be here talking in front of you and that is a big part we have to say thank you for. Thank you for everything you do in our community, it is wonderful to see,” said Mayor Throndson.

He ended his speech by thanking all the Seniors of the community on behalf of Vermilion, the Town Council, all the staff, and Shirley.

FCSS also provided an individual grape and cupcake snack with the choice of tea, coffee, or water. For questions about services for seniors, contact Shirley McRobert, Senior Coordinator at 780.581.2414.

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