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  • Writer's pictureLorna Hamilton

Vermilion And Kitscoty Rural Crime Watch Amalgamates

From left, Darrell Wright- President, Harry Jacula – Former President of the Vermilion Rural Crime Watch, and Paul Harrison – Treasurer of the County of Vermilion River Crime Watch Association. Photo Lorna Hamilton

The Alberta Rural Crime Watch program was established back in 1978 but was known as the Range Patrol but due to a negative image in the media, the name was changed to its current, Rural Crime Watch (RCW). According to the vision of the Rural Crime Watch program is to help prevent crime by building relationships through promotion, community involvement and identifying future needs with effective communication.

While the intent of the Rural Watch Program is to still provide the extra “eyes and ears” for the RCMP the focus has changed and is now to promote crime prevention through awareness, education and encouraging reporting of suspicious activity when it is observed.

The Vermilion and Kitscoty Rural Crime watch has now amalgamated to form the County of Vermilion River Rural Crime Watch Association.

President of the Vermilion RCW  Harry Jacula said the reason they decided to amalgamate is that the Kitscoty RCW had received feedback from acreage owners and the town that they would like to be represented in the RCW and the protection it offers.

“They approached us (Vermilion RCW) and after contacting all of the members of the association, I was able to tell Kitscoty that the response was overwhelmingly positive. Three members of our association and myself attended the Kitscoty AGM in April of 2019 where it was proposed to the approximately 100 plus people in attendance that we become one association. Again this was received positively by members present. Because of COVID, it has been a long time in coming, but the AGM of the new association is planned for April of 2022,” commented Jacula.

As President of the Rural Crime Watch, Darrell Wright pointed out, many may think of rural as farms but rural includes all of the small towns and rural areas in the County of Vermilion River.

“The County of Vermilion River Rural Crime Watch Association covers the areas West to the County of Minburn border, north to Clandonald, Dewberry and Marwayne, East to the County of Vermilion River border, and south to the MD of Wainwright border,” commented President Darrell Wright.

The association currently has 230 members and if you would like to become a member you can contact Darrell Wright at 780-808-1101 or Harry Jacula at 780-581-8151.

“If you live in a rural area, you can help your area by becoming a member of Rural Crime Watch (RCW). You will receive signs designating your place as a RCW yard. These signs help deter criminals from entering yours or your neighbours property. We are the only association in the area that works with the local RCMP,” explained Wright.


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