The Vermilion Rotary Club installed a Peace Pole at the Rotary Lookout in Vermilion on June 15.
The pole says, ‘May peace prevail on earth’ in eight different languages.
“It is meant to foster peace to all people in the world,” said Loretta Quickstad.
One of over 250,000, the tradition began in Japan but has carried through generations and around the world. Unique places of these peace poles include Vietnam, Ground Zero World Trade Centre New York, UN Headquarters New York, Pentagon USA, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Domail Missle Pakistan, Maccu Piccu Peru, the Israel Jordan border, Giza pyramids Egypt, and Australia.
May Peace Prevail On Earth International’s message is meant to bring together people of all faiths, backgrounds or cultures and their mission statement says, “Thoughts create an energetic field strong enough to empower the course of planetary destiny; and words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and all creation.”
To find out more information or obtain one for your school or community, you can visit