Brielynn Kidd from Grade 2A dressed as a witch for Halloween at Vermilion Elementary School. Photos Angela Mouly
On October 31, creative costumes could be seen throughout Vermilion in the spirit of Halloween.
Vermilion Elementary School’s (VES) gymnasium was filled with staff and students who celebrated with a costume parade. The parade was followed by the finale of the second ‘We Scare Hunger’ food drive. The ‘Me To We Club’ helped organize the food drive, and it was again partnered by Webb’s Ford. VES classes donated nearly 1,000 items to the Vermilion Food Bank.
Left: Tyann Trach from Grade 3B enjoy recess at Vermilion Elementary School on October 31.
Right: Linden Adams dressed as Santa enjoys recess at Vermilion Elementary School on October 31.
St. Jerome’s School also held a costume parade for Grades 1 - 5 students on October 31. The parade was followed by a Halloween Dance. Students had a blast dancing to seasonal themed music and acting out their costume roles.
Junior and Senior High students at J.R. Robson School were thrilled to take part in Halloween activities on October 31. Dressed in elaborate costumes, students enjoyed popcorn, a photo backdrop, ping pong, mummy wrapping, and playing ‘pin the wart on the witch.'
Top left: Cupcake - Aiyana Thompson, Black Cat - Jori Reeve, Mad Hatter - Kaitlyn Janz, and Baby - Alexia Tardif were some of the J.R. Robson Grade 7A students dressed in costumes on October 31.
Top Right: J.R. Robson Grade 8 students, Paige Zweifel and Sidney Uden dressed up on October 31.
Bottom left:J.R. Robson’s Grade 10 students, Brenden Lupel, Emily Elder, and Lleyton Bates, Sydney Crowe, Raelene Lupel, and Bailee Bykewich dressed as '101 Dalmations' characters on October 31.
Bottom Right: J.R. Robson Grade 8 students, Jayce Fedirko, Carson Westling, and Shea Dougan dressed as The Blue Crew and a Hockey Fan on October 31.

Grade 12 students, Sierra Haslehurst and Michaela Arcand participated in the mummy wrapping challenge at J.R. Robson School dressed as T-Rex’s on October 31.
Several staff around Vermilion seized the opportunity to be festive and dressed for the occasion welcoming customers in their best Halloween attire.
Throughout the evening on October 31, families toured Vermilion house to house with children trick-or-treating; and having no snow to tromp through made for a delightful evening. Many seniors at the nursing home and manors in Vermilion were overjoyed to have children pop in for an extra visit.