The Vermilion Figure Skating Club held their ‘Battle Of The Blades’ themed Carnival on February 25, at the Vermilion Stadium.
Several performances featured guest hockey players that were challenged to perform the same moves that the figure skaters had been trained to do and a bit of puck handling from the figure skaters. This provided additional entertainment for the crowd.
In the last two years, the club has grown from 30 to approximately 70 skaters. Awards included PreCanskater Of The Year recipient Damien Krys, Canskater Of The Year recipient Mighael Liebenberg, and Program Assistant Choice recipient Fiala Ostropolski.
Appreciation was given to the many volunteers and guest skaters Yulia Shcherban and the Lloydminster Border Edges.
“We appreciate the support from the whole community,” said President Paige Jaremco.