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Innisfree Trout Pond Action Heats Up


The trout pond located just west of Innisfree saw an influx in hooks hitting the water on Saturday, June 17 as the Innisfree and District Fish and Game Association (IDFGA) held its annual fishing derby. The derby falls on the heels of the larger fish stocks being deposited to the pond early that week.

Local and out-of-town fishermen attended the derby and enjoyed a day out with free hot dogs and hamburgers and beverages right next the shores of the pond, supplied by the association.

Prize for various age categories were offered up and the action got underway shortly after 1 p.m. and carried on until 4 p.m. when the horned signaled the fishermen to returned to the cook house for the awards presentations.

Taking the Junior’s Largest fish was Simon Wipf and Most Fish went to Trigg Myshaniuk.

The seniors division’s largest fish went to Robert Nott with his 2.78 pound trout, and the most went to Louise Bohaychuk. Darrell Pasieka was awarded the first fish caught at the derby.

Although the wind was a bit brisk, everyone seemed to enjoy the pre-Father’s Day event.

IDFGA holds an annual supper in February and much of the funds raised are donated back to the community, and also helps send youth to the Narrow Lake Youth Conservation camp.


IDFGA member Joe Sydora presented the top youth fishermen with prizes at the annual fishing derby on June 17. On the left is Trigg Myshaniuk who claimed the Most fish for the youth derby, and Simon Wipf on the right, who claimed the largest fish of the youth derby for his fish weighing just over two and a half pounds.


Taking the senior division of the Innisfree fishing derby were, from the left, Louise Bohaychuk for the most fish, Robert Nott and his nephew Gus Robinson, for the largest fish weighing in at nearly 2.8 pounds, and Darrell Pasieka for the first fish caught in the derby.


Volunteers helping host the IDFGA annual fishing derby are, back row from the left, Aaron Cannan, Neil Napora, Joe Sydora, Ed Tschetter, Dennis Malarski, Curtis Cassibo, Chris Nott and Allan Sharp. In front are Louise Bohaychuk, Darcy Leibel, Barry Feschuk and future IDFGA member Jase Cassibo.


Three generations of fishermen hit the banks of the Innisfree Trout Pond on June 17 to participate in the annual IDFGA fishing derby. Pictured here are, from the left, brothers Roady and Trigg Myshaniuk, with their dad Robin and grandfather Ron, as they show off Trigg’s fresh caught fish which help earn him the derby’s most fish caught in the youth division.

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