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  • Vermilion Voice

J.R. Robson Sr. Boys Basketball Team Headed To Provincials

From left, Coach Shayne Sweeney, Jace Hughes, Tristan McAllister, Bray Crowe, Cody Burke, Jackson Livingstone, Mark Livingstone, Carson Livinstone, Derek Venance, Logan Schmahl, Azro Abuzukar, Johnny Pries, and Coach Lee Woodward. Photo submitted

After winning Zone Championships, the J.R. Robson Sr. Boys Basketball Team headed to Provincials in Claresholm from March 15 – 17.

Many are proud of the accomplishment as this team has not attended provincials since 2009.

When asked to describe the boys' hard work or other attributes throughout the season and what he was most proud of about this group, Coach, Lee Woodward said, “I am most proud of their development being such a young team and competing with some of the best teams in the province. I am also very proud that they are classy and very sportsmanlike on the court. I received several compliments from opposing teams that we have great students.”

According to Woodward, at the beginning of the year, the team’s goal was to win zones. He said that as they improved, they realized they could accomplish much more. Heading to Provincials, Woodward noted as a team they plan to take it game by game because every team is good, and added that they would like to win their first and make some noise after that.

“Medalling would be terrific,” said Woodward.

As advice to encourage younger players interested in the sport, Woodward suggested working on solid fundamentals.

“It is great to watch the best players in the world and try to imitate them. Dream big. However, they all started with a base and worked extremely hard with millions of repetitions. I see so many players with poor mechanics, wanting to shoot the three, or passing like it is the playground. It may work at a young level but as they get older, the players and teams with the best fundamentals will be more successful. Get the basics down first,” said Woodward.

At provincials, J.R. Robson lost their first game against Calgary Christian High School 64-60, but went on to win their second game against Three Hills School 81-74, and won their third game against Holy Redeemer 77-74.

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