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  • Vermilion Voice

Clear West Grand opening

Excited to be offering Bell products and services in Vermilion, Clear West Communications Ltd. hosted their Grand Opening on April 20.

Mayor Caroline McAuley, Councillors Clint McCullough and Justin Thompson, and Community Economic Development Coordinator Mary Lee Prior presented owners Aaron and Bailey Snelgrove with a plaque for their contribution to the economic growth of Vermilion along with a certificate in recognition of their grand opening. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at their new retail location at 5002-51 Ave in Vermilion.

“The more we have in Vermilion, the more we become a centre where people want to come and shop, and providing us with options and choices are always good. Another perk is that it’s within walking distance from downtown. Congratulations, and we wish them all the best,” said Mayor, Caroline McAuley.

Clear West offers Bell Mobility, Internet, Satellite TV, consumer, small business and corporate plans, as well as a huge selection of accessories. They have both iPhones and androids in stock and will continue bringing in more unique fashion cases from Europe including the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Open for business in Vermilion since April 12, owner Bailey Snelgrove said, “I think technology is becoming more of a need now than a want; especially for work. We are eager to continue to serve the community by providing friendly mobile service with more options closer to home.”

Patrons enjoyed juice and refreshments throughout the day, while checking out the day’s special promotions. For more information, you can message ‘Clear West Communications’ on Facebook, or call 780-853-6366.

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