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Vermilion 4-H Interclub

Vermilion Voice

From left, Reserve Champion Steer winner Cavin Jones, and Grand Champion Steer winner Payton Farkash at the Interclub show on May 28. Photo Angela Mouly

The Vermilion 4-H Interclub hosted their annual Heifer Show on May 27, and Steer Show and Sale on May 28, at the Vermilion Agricultural Grounds. Vermilion and Clandonald 4-H Clubs showcased their animals throughout the event during showmanship and confirmation classes. Clandonald had 13 members and three cleavers this year, while Vermilion had 26 members and five cleavers this year. “These children have really put a lot of hard work into their animals this year. They are an amazing group with both clubs all helping each other which is nice to see, said Vermilion General Leader, Kris Lehmann. During the sale, Miles Wowk auctioned 36 steers, and members thanked the sponsors and buyers from the area for their support. Eleven - year - old Ainsley Lehne spent her first year in 4-H raising a heifer, but ended up showing someone else’s steer and said, “I love 4-H because everyone else really does bring you confidence by teaching you to be brave and helping you with things you wouldn’t normally do.”

Left: From left, Nicholas Wasylik with Heifer Blackbird, who was presented with the Overall Female Reserve Grand Champion award at the Interclub Show by MaryJo Roberts on behalf of the Roberts Family Farm. Photo submitted

Middle: Overall Grand Champion Female, sponsored by Goad Family Angus - Zack Rehmann (center) , leading "Lily" his 2 year old cow, with member Kasen Swanson helping lead Lily's calf. Photo submitted

Right: Buyers at the Interclub Sale on May 28. Photos submitted

On May 27, the Overall Female Reserve Champion Heifer was awarded to Nicholas Wasylik for his heifer, Blackbird. On May 28, this year’s Reserve Champion Steer was awarded to Cavin Jones for his steer, Burt. This year’s Grand Champion Steer was awarded to Payton Farkash for her steer, Jasper. Farkash had spent three years as a cleaver, but during her first year as a junior with a steer she said that she loves 4-H because, “You can learn so much from it!”

Left: A Vermilion 4-H Beef member at the Interclub Show on May 28.

Right: Payton Farkash at the Interclub Show on May 28. Photos Angela Mouly

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