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  • Vermilion Voice

Vermilion Skating Club – ‘A Night At The Movies’

The Vermilion Skating Club held their annual carnival on March 1, with the theme, ‘A Night At The Movies.’ Performances featured youth of all ages showcasing their talent along with a selection of guest skaters. The audience enjoyed listening to recognizable songs from their favourite movies and watching the skaters give their all in a variety of numbers. Following O’ Canada, the oldest members of the club who practice three times per week, the Senior Star Skaters, opened the show skating in the dark with lights adorning their extremities. The youngest members aged 3 – 4 were up next, a group of Pre-Canskaters who just began in January. Guest skaters included Jasmine Schenker, Kaylee Hammer, Chris Hammer, Paige Nguyen, and the Lloydminster Border Edges Synchronized Skating Team. Vermilion Skating Club President, Paige Jaremco, thanked community supporters, families, members, guest skaters, volunteers and coaches. The audience roared with applause as they thoroughly enjoyed all of the lively performances.

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