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  • Vermilion Voice

Mental Health Art Gala

Over 500 people attended the 7th Annual VIBE Mental Health Art Gala at the Vermilion Regional Centre on May 7. Hundreds of works of art were on display from students of all ages including; drawing, painting, mixed media, and hand crafted projects all detailing aspects of mental health. Families travelled from Mannville, Vermilion, Kitscoty, Innisfree and Clandonald to attend and enjoyed the evening full of activities. Children had the opportunity to make a stress ball with volunteers from the Vermilion and Area Crisis Line, decorate masks and superhero capes, etc.; while adults had the opportunity to paint a tile. The Vermilion and Area Early Childhood Coalition provided several resources, and Mayor of Vermilion, Caroline McAuley promoted the block party kit on behalf of the Town of Vermilion and the Vermilion Wellness Coalition. “Mental health impacts everybody. What’s amazing about this event is that it really shows positive ways to improve and support mental health,” said Mayor McAuley. This year’s theme was ‘The World of Beliefs,’ and while participating in activities, browsing the selection of artwork and listening to live piano music, people of all ages increased their awareness of mental wellness and reduced the stigma of mental illness. “It’s just fun!” said Meyer Lorenson. New this year and much appreciated were featured artists from the Islay Care Centre. Many also enjoyed making a medicine wheel which was sponsored by the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund and encouraged participants to better understand qualities about themselves and promote mental health wellness. Partners also included FCSS groups from Mannville-Minburn-Innisfree, Kitscoty, Vermilion, and the County of Vermilion River. “I would like to thank all of our partners for supporting National Children and Youth Mental Health Day. We cannot do it without the over 30 volunteers; a big thank you to each of you for promoting it and for working to make the event what it was,” said Pat Calyniuk, VIBE Wellness Manager MHCB.

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